Quality assurance in research

Quality assurance in research at the University of Innsbruck aims to ensure that academics work according to the principles of good scientific practice and comply with the quality standards of their respective discipline in all research activities. In this way, quality assurance also contributes to the development of a successful academic career.

The evaluation of research is the main mechanism of quality assurance. A comprehensive database on the Research services of all scientists serves as a tool here and is constantly being developed further.


Evaluation processes are carried out in the knowledge that the University of Innsbruck is a comprehensive university with a broad research and publication culture. The University respects this diversity, considers the entire spectrum of academic activities and recognises different forms of research contributions. Consideration for the different career stages of academics is a prerequisite for presenting publication metrics for evaluation processes in a reflective manner.

Information on the evaluation process can be found at UniWiki.

Scientific integrity in research

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